Shopping definitely is an addiction. Once you are in the mood of buying, the sensation of enjoying will drive you to buy even more stuff. Since I am a sucker of buying gadget, the fact the new Nexus 9 coming out pushed me to once again consider whether I should buy it or not.
After some though process, as of this moment, I decided NO.
First of all, I am pretty satisfy with my iPad 3 and Nexus 7. And now that I have an iPad Air 2, there's not much reason why I need a Nexus 9.
Second, there are a lot of apps that I enjoy using on iOS which does NOT existing on Android, specifically all those music and drawing related apps.
In addition, apps that supposed to be great on Android, like the ability to browse and play all sort of video content on my home network, doesn't work well in reality. For instance, last night I spent quite some time to try out playing various video file on my Nexus 7, and found that a lot of times I got into slow performance and lagging problem during playback. In fact, I tried Nexus 7, Eee Slate and Microsoft Surface 1, and turns out Microsoft Surface 1 has a best performance, most probably because probably because Microsoft knows better how to access content from a Microsoft network. (Eee Slate is running Windows 10 Preview, so it may not be a fair comparison).
Finally, unlike iOS which support switching between app store in different country (a bit clumsy, but at least doable), Andorid forced me to stuck with US app store, which doesn't work well with my use case.
In fact, I probably still able to get all the Android 5 Lollipop fun because Lollipop will work on my first generation Nexus 7. So there's really no need to get another gadget.